Monday, November 7, 2011

Sandy Skoglund- Walking on Eggshells

This photograph titled "Walking on Eggshells" was taken by Sandy Skoglund.  It has an overall warm tone, with the color of the eggshells matching the hue of the women's skin.  The walls, which have a Hieroglyphic-like lettering, the rabbits, and the bathroom essentials (toilet, bathtub, and sink) have this similar hue.  The eggshells take the form of a bathroom tile mosaic, resembling stones. It is visible where the women have walked through the room by the path of crushed eggshell footprints that travel in a diagonal, that begins from the bottom right of the image. There is a strong contrast in color with the presence of the snakes.  Both women have their backs towards the viewer, and rabbits are seen confronting the snakes.

1 comment:

  1. Repetition of eggs. The fact that almost everything in the picture is a light brown creates a sense of unity between the women, the rabbits, the walls, and the eggs. It shows a stark difference with the dark color of the snakes, which are the potential danger to every brown-colored thing in the room. As ¨walking on eggshells¨ means to be careful about/around something/someone, I believe the women are ¨walking on eggshells¨(literally and metaphorically) and being very careful with the snakes, because they don´t want to anger or disturb them into biting them(the women), injecting them with their famously-known poisonous juices.
